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5 Theme Ideas for Photobooks

Mother and daughter walking hand in hand

The great thing about photobooks is the versatility they offer – and the sheer scope for creativity. Dipping back into the memory bank and creating something that celebrates a specific moment or feeling that you shared with your loved ones is the perfect way to bring your memories back to life, and to build a priceless collection on your shelf.

With that in mind, we’re here to get the creative juices flowing with five theme ideas for your next photobook, whether it’s destined to be a gift for someone else, or one for your personal collection.

The Holiday Book

A couple of days on staycation, a week on the beach, or a fortnight emersed in a totally different world to the one you’re used to -- holidays may only last a little while, but the memories are, in our opinion, the best souvenir there is. While putting a seashell to your ear may evoke the sound of the waves, flicking through photos brings back so much more – the smell in the air, the feeling of being surrounded by family, the feel of sun lotion and sand on your skin.

We take a lot of pictures on holiday, but they’re all too easily lost. A couple will make their way onto social media, but many more will sit in our cloud photo albums – where they mostly go to waste.

Creating photo books for every trip and break means growing a collection of beautiful moments to sit on your shelf or coffee table, and being able to go back in time whenever you’re ready.

Small Moments

The big moments in life – holidays, new pets and babies, weddings and anniversaries – all take up plenty of space in our photo albums but separating each of those landmark occasions are hundreds and hundreds of beautiful, small moments from your everyday life.

It’s easy to overlook those pet photos, those un-styled and candid shots, those sunsets taken from the supermarket carpark, and those random selfies that didn’t turn out good enough for the Instagram feed. But, while they may not be ‘aesthetic’, they are proof of the joy you find in an ordinary day and, compiled together in a photobook, they paint a picture of you, your loved ones, and how you choose to spend your time between the big moments. 

‘A Year in the Life’

We don’t tend to notice time passing but, if you’ve ever looked back on your photo roll from this time a year ago, you’ll know the feeling of surprise that comes from realising how far we have come since those moments.

Gathering together the memories created over the space of 12 months is a great way to celebrate everything that took place between January and December, and to ensure it never gets forgotten or buried under the sands of time. Remember to make an effort to be on both sides of the camera, since being a part of your family photos is incredibly important, and you’ll be grateful you put in the time in the future. 

Over the years, you’ll take on a collection of irreplaceable memories, and be able to remind yourself of the phases, stages, and experiences you’ve been through.

You and Me

Anniversaries and Valentine’s Day are traditionally set aside for celebrating your relationship, but you never need an excuse to reflect on the unique bond you share together. Whether you’ve been together six months or sixty years, taking the time to pull together all of your favourite photos is, in our opinion, one of the best ways to say, ‘I love you’.

Pick an assortment of selfies, snaps from your trips together, and shots of you at home simply enjoying one another’s company. It makes a great gift, regardless of what stage you’re at in your relationship.

The Wedding Book

It’s no secret that we consider ourselves to be big fans of the candid wedding book, and how easy it is to compile together your wedding guests’ off-the-cuff, colourful snapshots into a beautiful book of memories, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it gets a spot on our list.

Nothing can replace your professional photos but, just the same, absolutely nothing can replace the pictures taken from within the party itself – by your family and friends while they danced and talked and enjoyed every moment of a landmark occasion.

There really is no limit to the number of themes and ideas you can apply to your photo memory books. At the end of the day, they don’t even need a specific theme, since you never need an excuse to recover old and forgotten snaps from the photo bank and create something that reminds you how sweet life really is.


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