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Photography Hikes: Bluff Creek

a sasquatch statue

Throughout this series, we’ve talked a lot about stunning hiking destinations, with plenty of tips and tricks about how to take the best pictures possible. One place we haven’t talked about yet, however, is Bluff Creek, which is arguably the setting of the most famous hiking photograph known to humankind.

Admittedly, the subject hiking wasn’t actually a human. And it probably wasn’t that kind, either. We’re talking, of course, about the infamous photo of Bigfoot, which was captured in the dense forests of Bluff Creek, in Northern California. 

Since that photo was taken – way back in 1967 – Bluff Creek has become a top destination for Bigfoot hunters and hikers alike, all of whom spend hours exploring the area and enjoying the natural scenery, in the hope of catching a glimpse of the weird and wonderful Sasquatch.

The Hiking Trail: Bluff Creek

Even if you’re not a certified Bigfoot hunter, we’d still recommend checking this place out. For years, Bluff Creek has been recognised as one of the quaintest spots in Northern California, with dense forests, lush greenery, and rich wildlife. 

If you’ve taken the time to upload your photos to the best photo book maker, then you only want to hike around the best spots, and this is right up there with the very best in the US. For photography lovers, the location offers everything from breathtaking landscapes to intriguing wildlife and is oozing with an intense mysticism and mystery that made it so famous in the first place.

Why It’s Good

The hike itself starts at the Bluff Creek Trailhead, which is accessible via the Bluff Creek Road. You can then walk from four to six miles, exploring the dense forests and scenic views until you reach Louse Camp, which is right next to the area where the infamous Bigfoot film was shot nearly sixty years ago. 

The reason it’s so good is because it’s so unlike the other locations we’ve talked about in our Photography Hikes series. There are no standout views or landmarks that you’re endeavouring to reach. The whole hike is about being immersed in nature and taking in every step, stopping wherever you want, whether that’s to take pictures of Blue Lake or the towering redwoods, and truly immersing yourself in nature. 

You won’t find that grandiose shot like you would at Devil’s Bridge or The Wave, but you’ll come away with plenty of photos showcasing the tranquil beauty and the sense of mystery that has pervaded this rugged landscape for decades.

What to Look Out For

Along with this, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to capture the local wildlife. While this might not include a photo of Sasquatch, it does include the seven animals below:

  • Black-tailed Deer
  • Pacific Tree Frogs
  • Northern Spotted Owls
  • American Dippers
  • River Otters
  • Ospreys
  • Northern Flying Squirrels

Photography Tips

If you’re in the Northern California area and you’d like to check out Bluff Creek, there are a few things you can keep in mind to come away with the best photographs possible.

  • Utilise Natural Light

The first is to utilise natural light. In the early morning, specifically, Bluff Creek comes alive with warm, interesting colors that enhance the textures of the forest and the surrounding landscape. If you’re there during sunrise, you can also use backlighting to create more dramatic silhouettes of trees or the wildlife mentioned above.

  • Capture the Small Details

As we mentioned previously, this isn’t like many of the other hikes we’ve talked about on our blog. While there are no big showstopper moments, Bluff Creek is filled with numerous smaller moments, asking you to get up close and personal with your photography. Focus on capturing the intricate details and textures of the forest, whether that’s with close-up shots of moss-covered trees or dewy morning ferns. Experiment with different depths of field to emphasize certain elements, creating a sense of dimension and perspective in your photographs. 

Photography Challenges

There are also a few challenges you can sink your teeth into while you’re exploring the Bluff Creek trail. Two of the best, in this regard, are:

  • Evoking Mystery

Bluff Creek has become part of one of the biggest mysteries in the world, and while you’re exploring the area, you’ll feel that mystery with every step you take. The forests are filled with a sense of magic and wonder, so your job is to capture that magic and make it shine through in your photographs. 

Look for more intricate and mystical scenes like the gently flowing creeks, the towering trees, or the glimpses of sunlight filtering through the canopy. Use different filters to put a more mysterious angle on these photographs, and try to walk away with something beautiful, yet thought-provoking.

  • Finding Bigfoot!

The other challenge we should mention is actually finding Bigfoot. Obviously! If you’re taking the time to explore the Bluff Creek area, you might as well set yourself the challenge of photographing the elusive Sasquatch and coming back with some footage that will reignite people’s imagination once again. While it might not happen, it’s certainly worth a shot!


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