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How To Make Perfect Photo Books For Your Pets

Dogs running

We all love our pets, that goes without saying. If it’s the choice between $100,000 or keeping our dog, let’s be honest, we all know we’re keeping the dog. We just won’t give them the luxury food for a little while!

Our pets give us so many fun and light-hearted moments when they are just being themselves, and this is why photo books are such a good idea to document them. Without photo books, these memories only hang around our heads, never to be touched or experienced again. 

With a photo book, however, you can not only keep these moments close to you, you can place all of your beautiful memories in a beautiful, glossy book which is built to be displayed. 

The Art Of The Photo Book

There is an art, however, to creating the perfect photo book. This isn’t just a case of accumulating together every known picture of your pets and simply slapping them into the pages. That won’t lead to any cohesiveness or symmetry, and most photo books don’t have space for the 100,000,000 pictures you’ve taken of your dog anyway. 

No, creating a photo book has to be done with creativity and precision. Think of this as your pet’s professional portfolio. You want the best of the best, whether that’s the material, story or pictures themselves. If you’re struggling to work out how to do this, however, then below is a little example that could help give your pet the photo book they deserve.

Be There Or Be Square

Speaking of luxury, our new square photo books can be the perfect way to give your pets their very own elegant portrait on every page. Their size and shape allows the subject of each picture to become far more accentuated, whilst also making the photo book small and neat enough to keep anywhere that you want. 

You can plan ahead by switching on “square” mode on your phone, ensuring everything fits into the frame and looks properly layered. The framing can also be utilised to add a bit of neat symmetry to any text you want added alongside the pictures. 

Starting at just $8, our square photo books range from 20 to 400 pages, which means there is plenty of room to fit as many photos as you want. The one condition is: they have to be amazing.

Tell Their Journey

It’s easy enough to make a photo book that is “good”, but for your pet, you should strive to achieve something far better than this. One of the best places to display your photo book is on the coffee table. Here, they can become the perfect centrepieces for any guests that you might have round for dinner, so you want to ensure that they won’t ever get bored with the contents. 

You can do this by organising your photographs together and trying to tell a story. When did you first get your pet? When did they take their first walk? Collect the photographs that not only make you smile, but spin a narrative on your pet’s journey. 

Remember, your guests might not know your dog, but they will know a good story when they see one. If you take the time to choose the best photos, both emotionally and practically, then you will create a photo book which is impossible for them to put down. 

Capture The Precious Moments

Of course, you might not have any pictures which fit the bill so far. We all know how difficult pets can be to photograph. Often, we end up with a vaguely dog-shaped blur or no sometimes no dog at all, especially if you’ve got a particularly speedy one. If this is an issue, though, then don’t panic. It’s never too late to start snapping and preparing your future photo book.

While it seems all dogs have grown an aversion to mobile cameras over the years, they will treat it like any other object thrust in front of them: by sniffing! Don’t rush through things and let them get familiar with the camera. This way you can avoid them growing suspicious and rushing off just as you are about to snap the perfect picture. 

It’s important to remember, also, that photographs will start to look the same if they’ve always got identical backgrounds. Get your pet out of the house and take them to some interesting pet-friendly locations, such as a forest, a beach or luscious green hilltops. Keep the end-product photo book in mind whenever you take your pictures and always strive to make it just that little bit better!


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