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The Facebook Clear-Out (And How Photo Books Can Help)

Phone with facebook app open being stroked by a pen

In the third quarter of 2022, the number of people using Facebook hit 1.98 billion – which is a sizable increase on the last quarter – and there may be many more users flocking onto the platform after Musk’s’ recent upheaval of competitor, Twitter. 

With this in mind, it could be a good time to take a gander around your own profile and give it a little bit of a clean. 

This is normally a process that is reserved for new relationships. Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there. Most people’s Facebooks are a landmine of embarrassing statuses and photographs that date back a lifetime ago, and most of them would be better served in a secret vault rather than on a public platform for everyone – new relationships included – to see. 

But the process of clearing out a Facebook page is tedious. Most of the time it consists of scanning through albums and deleting photographs one-by-one until we give up and give in, but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, with the help of photo books and a little know-how, clearing out a Facebook page can not only be easy but enjoyable too.

The Photo Book To The Rescue

While clearing out a Facebook profile might be necessary, it can be difficult too. Sure, you don’t want that god-awful photograph of you on a night out in 2009 to be available to your new mother-in-law, but you don’t want it gone from the history books completely. This is why a Facebook photo book can be so useful. With just a few clicks, you can gather together the photographs you want to keep and make sure they don’t disappear. 

It's important to have a theme in mind if you do this. If your 2009-2010 photographs cover your last year at school, for instance, then create a photo book that is deliberately centred around this. Likewise, if you have a few photographs that centre around your college journey, see if you can incorporate them into a special graduation photobook. There are plenty of themes and stories you can tell, so look through your albums with the photo book in mind and have some fun with choosing the best of the bunch.

The Process Of Deletion

In terms of actually deleting those photographs, the process doesn’t have to be painful. Here’s a little step-by-step list that can help you keep it quick and stress-free:

Make sure you look through the albums you’re not too fond on advertising and pick out the photographs you want to keep for a photo book; this will then make the deletion process smooth and simple, because you’re not going to be doing this one at a time:

  • Go onto the photos tab of your Facebook profile.
  • Instead of clicking on “Your Photos” click on the “Albums” tab to the right of it.
  • Search through the album and see if there is anything you want to save for the photo book.
  • Set these photos aside, click on the album itself and go to the “More” button, alongside the “Grid View” and “Feed View” options.
  • Click “Delete Album”.
  • Click “Delete Album” again after being prompted. 

If you have been tagged on any photographs that you would like removed, then this is a little trickier. You cannot delete photographs that were posted by someone else, but you can ensure that they do not appear on your profile:

  • Go onto the photos tab of your Facebook profile.
  • Rather than clicking on “Your Photos” click on “Photos of You” just beside it.
  • Scroll through and find the photographs you want deleted.
  • Click on these photographs, then click on the “Options” button at the top-right.
  • Click “Remove Tag”. 
  • Click “OK” to confirm.

Once again, if you take the time to save the photos, you’re not too happy with keeping forever, then there’s nothing stopping you culling the majority of the photos that you don’t want on there for everyone to see. This is a great way to give yourself a clean slate and make your Facebook far cleaner and tidier, whilst also ensuring you don’t lose anything you would rather keep. Those embarrassing photos can still be with you, just in the privacy of your own home! 


What If There Are Only One Or Two Photos I Want To Delete In An Album?

Well, this isn’t exactly a “clear-out”, but it’s just as easy as deleting an album. Simply click on the photograph you want to delete, hover over the “options” tab and click “delete photo”. This should get rid of those pesky photographs that have managed to sneak into your feed!

Can I Delete Facebook Statuses Easily Too?

Deleting past statuses is a little more arduous, but it is simple. All you have to do is scroll down to the post you’d like to remove, tap the “options” tab in the top right and delete the post. This can then be done for any status you would like removed. The process may differ depending on your phone or laptop, but it is fairly simple to get around the differences.

How Should I Organise My Photo Book?

There are plenty of ways to tell a good story with your photo book. A photo book maker can make the process of creation easy, all you have to do is come up with the subject line -  for instance: Graduation Photo Book, Year Of 2010, Vacation Photo Book, etcetera, and then include photos that tell that story. Try to make sure your book has a beginning, middle and end, making it engrossing all the way through. There are plenty of useful guides on our blog, so take a look and get some inspiration!

Are Photo Books Easy To Make?

Easy as pie and maybe even easier than that. Our photo books can be made in two clicks, no less, making the whole experience stress-free and enjoyable. 

Why Are Photo Books Important?

In this case, photo books are not only a way to save the Facebook photographs you don’t want to forget entirely, but to give them the home that they deserve. Photo books allow you to get personal with your memories. You can touch them, feel them, and make them a part of your household. You also ensure their longevity. It can be easy enough for photographs to get lost in a cloud, but a photo book can live forever, displayed lovingly on your shelf rather than on a tab in your Facebook profile.


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